Tuesday, December 18, 2012

myOn Reader

Don't forget to use myOn over our break.  You will find some great stories on many different topics!  Below is just another reminder about the tool:

Our school is proud to announce access to the myOn Reader program for every student in our building! MyOn Reader is a personalized literacy program that provides access to the largest integrated library of digital books with reading supports, customized to a student's interest and reading abilities. Students can access myOn Reader through the Internet at www.myon.com:

1. Your child will need to type in the name of their school and click on the name as it appears in the drop down menu.

2. The username which is the student's 10-digit ID number. (This is the same number they use for lunch and to log onto the computers at our school.)

3. Type in the password as 123. If they are logging on for the first time they will need to take an interest survey and a short assessment (for 2nd-5th grades only).

MyOn Reader provides access to over 3000 digital books. We encourage students to always click on the "Recommended" button. This will bring up a selection of books at their reading level and interest. For more information go to www.meridianschools.org, click on the "Student" tab, click on "Elementary Links" button, and click on myOn Reader on the left-hand side of the page.

Homework - Tomas Rivera

Homework: Click here
Irregular Words: Click here
Spelling City: Click here

Monday, December 17, 2012

Discovery Education for Students!

I'm happy to provide another online tool for your child.  You may want to take some time over Christmas to explore all that Discovery Education has to offer.  Your child's login information is in their yellow folder.

More information:

We are pleased to announce that we are partnering with Discovery Education to deliver high quality, digital solutions to engage our students and inspire lifelong learning across our classrooms.

With this partnership, every student has access to Discovery Education’s best-in-class,
standards-aligned content that addresses the Common Core State Standards via the alwaysaccessible
Student Center. Designed to support independent and self-directed learning as well as
encourage student ownership of projects by allowing students to explore great videos, complete
assignments, and accomplish class projects anywhere, we encourage you and your child to take
advantage of this great resource. Log on to DiscoveryEducation.com and start using the Student
Center today!
Website: http://discoveryeducation.com/
Login:  check yellow folder for student login
Password: meridian2
We appreciate all you do to help your child reach his or her best potential, and we hope you are
as excited as we are about this partnership to make learning come alive across our classrooms.

Don't Peek!

The kids will be bringing home a special gift for you.  Don't peek until Christmas!  Thank you to Mrs. Marchello for coordinating!  Enjoy!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Party

Just a reminder, our class Christmas party is Friday, December 21st. Everyone is welcome to attend! THANK YOU to everyone who has volunteer or supported or party!  I am very THANKFUL for you!! Merry Christmas! Melissa :)

1st Grade Christmas Music Program Next Wednesday!

Just a reminder!! You might want to come early and get a good seat! It's a popular event!

1st Grade Christmas Music Program will be held on Wednesday, December 19th at 10:00 am in the gym.

Grinch Houses

I'm looking for volunteers to donate graham crackers and candies for our Grinch houses. I will need the supplies by Monday, December 17. Also would any volunteers be available to prebuild houses Tuesday and Wednesday for our party on Friday? I can send home supplies next Monday or you can build them at school. THANKS!! Happy Grinch Day! Melissa :)

Homework - Did You See Chip?

Homework: Click here
Irregular Words: Click here
Spelling City: Click here

Friday, December 7, 2012

Grinch Day!

We will be celebrating Grinch Day on Friday, December 21st. Our class will be having a pizza party and Seussville Storybook Morning.

· Please send $2.50 to school by Wednesday, December 19th for your child to participate in our pizza party. We will be eating pizza at lunchtime on the 21st.

· Have your child bring his/her favorite book to school for our Seussville Storybook Morning on Friday the 21st.

· Don’t forget to wear green in honor of the Grinch!

Christmas Music Program

Just a reminder!!  You might want to come early and get a good seat!  It's a popular event!
1st Grade Christmas Music Program will be held on Wednesday, December 19th at 10:00 am in the gym.

December Birthdays!

We will be celebrating December birthdays on Friday, December 14th!  Happy Birthday to Annabelle and Kylie P.!!

Timeline Homework

Social Studies Homework – My Time Line

Due: Thursday, December 13, 2012


Students will put important events in their life in chronological order.  We started a time line at school, please help your child complete it by adding 3 to 4 more important events to it such as a birthday, when they got their first pet, learned to ride a bike or learned how to swim, when a younger sibling was born, or other special events.  Students will write the name of the event and draw a picture to match.  Please have your child color the pictures with crayons.  Students will be sharing time lines with the class on Thursday, December 13th.  Thank you for your help at home. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Homework - I am a Butterfly

Homework: Click here
Irregular Words: Click here
Spelling City: Click here

Spelling - Irregular Words

As we head into the 2nd trimester, I want to remind you that the weekly irregular words will count towards the spelling grade.  Thanks! :)

You can practice your words here:  http://www.spellingcity.com/melissaslocum/.

Friday, November 16, 2012

November Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Alivia!  We will be celebrating our November birthday on Friday, November 30 at 3:15!!

Digital Publishing as Part of the Writing Process

Informational Writing - Using Step Up to Writing Strategies
This is an example of the steps we are using in 1st grade writing.

MyOn - or informational source


Informational Writing

Digital Publishing -
Common Core:  2.6 W Writing:  Production and Distribution of Writing
With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing.

Click here

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Veterans Day Tribute 2012

Our class participated in a Veterans Day tribute with our buddies in  Mrs. Wright's class.  Thanks Mrs. Wright for an amazing project! :)
Click here to watch!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Fun!

Thank you to everyone who supported and joined in the fun yesterday!  Also a big thank you to Dina Pfiefer for organizing the event!  Take care, Melissa :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

myOn - Online Reading Library!

I'm excited to annouce that your student can now logon to myOn and have instant access to over 2500 books! I can track their reading progress, reading level and comprehension. If you let other children on your child's account, it could result in inaccurate data tracking.


Login Now

School Name: 
Discovery Elementary

Student ID  (students might have their number memorized)  I will send home on Wednesday.


Parent and Family Guide:  http://www.thefutureinreading.com/downloads/content/family/FamilyGuide.pdf

Short U Word Building

Students using the ActivTable to build our spelling pattern of the week.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Red Ribbon Week!

To bring awareness to this important week, students can participate in dress up days. They are as follows:

Dress Up Days ---

Monday (10/29): Hats Off to a Drug Free Life! Wear hats.
Tuesday (10/30): Sock it to Drugs! Wear tie dye and crazy socks.

Wednesday (10/31): Drugs Are Too Scary For Me! Halloween costumes. Please follow our school costume guidelines:
Our school has a zero tolerance for violence.
Costumes depicting violent themes are not to be worn.
Masks and face paint are not allowed.
Hair dye is not allowed.
Please send costumes in a bag.
Costumes will be put on over clothes.
Children need to be able to put their costume on independently.

Thursday (11/01): Team Up Against Drugs! Wear your favorite sports team or Discovery clothing.

Friday (11/02): Hand in Hand, United We Stand! Spirit Day…Wear red, white and blue clothing.

This Week's Homework and Spelling

Irregular Spelling Works - Click here
Homework - Click here

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Tee Golf Fundraiser

Please join us for a Closest to the Pin Contest at Banbury Golf Course this Saturday. Stop by anytime between 10:30 am and 12:00 pm and hit some balls for $5 each. All donations will go towards bringing the 1st Tee Golf Program Curriculum to Discovery.

Prizes include: 2 Tickets to the Nov. 3rd BSU Game, Banbury Range Card (value $99), Round of Golf at Lakeview, 4 - 30 minute golf lessons with PGA Pro Jonathon Gibbs, and Gift Cards for Divotz or Pierce Park.
Directions: Banbury Golf Course - Hole 16. To get there, head north on Locust Grove, cross Chinden and drive down to the Banbury Subdivision, eventually Locust Grove turns into Chipper Way. Just watch for the Balloons – you can’t miss it!

A Magical Moment

To prepare for Friday’s activity, please take a few minutes to talk to your child about a "Magical Moment" that they remember and help them complete the information below.

For example, your child’s Magical Moment could have been a trip to Disneyland. Write 3 sentences about why this moment was magical. Next list items they could include on their mobile such as a picture of his/her family, Mickey Mouse, Disney Princess, Airplane, Map of Disneyland.  Look in tonight's Yellow Folder for all the

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Box Tops

Thank you again for all the Box Tops!! Our class is currently sitting in 3rd place overall for number of Box Tops collected!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Favorite American Symbols

Enjoy our 4 minute movie about our favorite American symbols!  Click here and enjoy!

Reading Samples

This week, we read Dan's Pet.  This is a realistic fiction story.  Many of the words focused on the short vowel e.  The story also included our sight words - day, every, her, said, was, with.
I have included a sample of a student reading this story.  This student is a solid on grade level reader.  Click here to listen.
By Monday, you will be receiving an audio reading assessment of your child reading this story.  If you listen to the sample student reading and your child, you will get a good idea of how your child is performing this week.

Creative Writing Using Story Buddy

This student is writing and illustrating a story about a robot using an iPad app called Story Buddy.

Math Tools

This student is using his 100 chart to help him solve a math problem on the iPad.  He is working on Math Bingo and solving problems like 14 + 31= __.

New Arrivals!

Our new student notebooks just arrived!!  Our computer and device lab is almost complete!  Yeah!  I'm working on finding a grant to provide, ear phones, microphones and a MAC device to help us create our movies.  I am so thankful for the many new tools our classroom has received this year!  Simply AMAZING!!

WHY yes, you are seeing green!  Welcome to our new Green Screen Lab.  Now we can create stories and place our characters anywhere in the world!  Ready set go!  Fasten your seat belts for quite a ride!  Plus you never know when you might encounter our spelling patterns dancing across a farm, ocean, the solar system or even the North Pole!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Birthday Celebration!

Happy Birthday -- Lauren and Elliott!!

We will be celebrating October birthdays next Friday, October 26!  Please let me know if you would like to bring a treat to share with the class!

Spelling City!

Don't forget to try Spelling City for spelling pattern practice!

Book Fair!!

Boooook Fair Is Coming!
October 23rd - October 26th

Tuesday: 10:30 am to 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:30 am to 7:30 pm*
Friday: 8:30 am to 10:30 am, sharp!

October Dates to Remember!

  • October 19th: PTA Popcorn Friday, 50¢ a bag.
  • October 23rd-26th: Fall Book Fair!!!
  • October 26th: Birthday celebrations, check with teacher for time.
  • October 26th: Picture Retake 8:45am-9:30am
  • October 27th: First Tee Fundraiser at Banbury Golf Course
  • October 29th-November 2nd: Red Ribbon Week
  • October 31st: Holiday celebrations, check with teacher for time...K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd parade 3:00pm

  • PTA Reflections Program Reminder!

    "Reflections Art Deadline is November 7th. Please see attached forms for more details. You can also go to http://pta.org/5277.htm for more information about the rules for each category."

    Halloween Celebration!

    Halloween celebrations will be on Wednesday, October 31st. Parties will be held during the last hour of the day. An alternate activity will be held for students who do not wish to participate in classroom parties – please let your student’s teacher know if you prefer the alternate activity. Students will be allowed to wear costumes during their party time only and not during the day!

    Costume Guidelines:

    · Our school has a zero tolerance for violence.

    · Costumes depicting violent themes are not to be worn.

    · Masks and face paint are not allowed.

    · Hair dye is not allowed.

    · Please send costumes in a bag.

    · Costumes will be put on over clothes.

    · Children need to be able to put their costume on independently.

    New this year…Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade classes will be participating in a Halloween parade. The parade begins at 3:00pm and will take place in our cafeteria and parents are welcome to join us and see all the great costumes!

    Box Tops!

    Thank you for collecting all the Box Tops!  Half of the Box Top money collected goes to our classroom!! :) :)

    Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    All That Corn! Informational Writing and Publishing

    This week, we read about how corn is grown, processed, sold and enjoyed at home!  The students wrote their own facts.  Next, our class videographers of the day, took over the camera and practiced filming each student.  Throughout the year, each student will get the oppportunity to take over the filming.  Keep in mind we are still learning but most enjoyed when it is in the hands of the student/child. :)  Enjoy!

    Kylie T.

    ** more to be published tomorrow

    PTA Reflections

    The PTA presented the Reflections Art Contest to our class today.  Many students were very interested in participating!  As a class, we will create magical stories to submit, but if your child would like to submit another form of art, please feel free to do so!! 

    Click here for the PTA presentation.
    Click here for official rules.

    Monday, October 1, 2012


    A few people have asked if they could send in some extra supplies.  Please do not feel obligated.  :)  I have identifed a few things:
    • Clorax Wipes
    • Watercolors
    • Used or new headphones - over the ears.. not ear buds.
    • Ear buds for your student only

    Sunday, September 30, 2012

    Parent Teacher Conferences

    I am looking forward to meeting with each of you on October 10 or 11.  I will be sending home our scheduled meeting time on Monday.  If your scheduled time does not work for you, please let me know and we will find a time that works.  I'm looking forward to our meeting!

    Halloween Party Time!

    We will be celebrating Halloween on October 31st at 2:45.  Dina Pfeifer has volunteered to be our Party Mom.  Thanks Dina!! If you can help her out in any way, please contact her at 340-7960.  You can also let me know and I will forward it on.  Thanks for your support!!

    Fall Art Scenes!

    Check out our fabulous art!  In celebration of the fall season, we created a fall scene.  We learned about silhouettes, horizons, fall colors, color blending.  Thank you, Mrs. Marchello!  aka our Art Mom!

    Interactive Table

    Our interactive table has arrived!  The table is being used to build words, collaborate and problem solve.  The students are enjoying the new tool!  I have included a picture and a short video showing the table in action.

    Click here to watch the table in action. 


    Research Papers

    We completed our first research papers of the year on the topic of ants.  They practiced writing ant facts, drawing a matching illustration and recording their OWN project.  Below is a list of student numbers.  Your student should know his/her student number.  Find your child's number, click and enjoy!

    Student 1
    Student 2
    Student 3
    Student 4
    Student 5
    Student 6
    Student 7
    Student 8
    Student 9
    Student 10
    Student 11
    Student 12
    Student 13
    Student 14
    Student 15
    Student 16
    Student 17
    Student 18
    Student 19
    Student 20
    Student 21
    Student 22


    The October Volunteer Schedule and Reading Calendar has been posted.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    Red HOT Folder!

      If your child brings home his/her Red HOT folder, it means he/she has work that needs to be completed and returned the next day. I always try to give students plenty of time to complete their work at school but sometimes it is necessary to finish at home and return. If you have any questions about the work or folder, please contact me right away! Thank you for your support! Melissa

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    Class Recording Studio: Our Class "Like" Book

    Today, we created a class "Like" book in our recording studio.  Click Here.  Enjoy!

    Spelling City!

    Spelling City is ready to go!  If your student would like to use www.spellingcity.com to practice our spelling pattern of the week, click here:  http://www.spellingcity.com/melissaslocum/.  Your child can take a practice test or play games that focus on the spelling pattern of the week.  I will update the site each week.

    Happy Spelling!

    Sunday, September 9, 2012

    Classroom Photos

    Our new collaborative furniture has arrived and the digital publishing lab is in action!!

    Wednesday, September 5, 2012

    What I Hope to Learn in First Grade

    Our first movie of the year!  "What I Hope to Learn in First Grade"  Written and Produced by Mrs. Slocum's Superstars.  Click Here! 

    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    Welcome to First Grade!

    As your child’s teacher, I am looking forward to being your educational partner for this year.  Together we will create a positive learning experience for your child.  As partners in your child’s education, we will give your child a successful beginning on his/her school journey.  Throughout this year, your child will have the opportunity to learn and grow academically, physically, emotionally and socially.  This will be an exciting year for us all!

    To guarantee your child a positive experience (as well as yours and mine), here is some valuable information regarding our program:

    þ  Lunch:  Your student will need to bring a sack lunch from home or participate in the hot lunch program.  You may send lunch or milk money with your student.  They will be given time in the morning to submit their payment to the cafeteria.

    þ  Supplies:  A supply list is available in the office.  You may bring your supplies at the scheduled Meet and Greet time or on the 1st day of school.

    þ  Clothing:  1st grade is a place for washable clothes.  We do many hands-on activities and cannot guarantee that your child’s clothes will not get soiled in the classroom or out at recess.  On PE day, be sure that your child wears closed-toed shoes, preferably tennis shoes.  They should also wear pants or shorts.  Please note:  Flip flops will not be allowed at school. 

    þ  Illness:   If your child is ill, please keep him/her home to avoid exposing the other children.  It is important to call the office as soon as possible to let them know your child is absent.  If a child is too sick to go outside to recess, they are too sick to be around others at school.

    þ  Folders:  I will send home a daily parent/teacher communication folder with your child every day.  This folder will include a daily progress report, all parent/teacher communication, as well as your child’s homework assignment and any work completed for the day.  There is also a place in the folder for you to write questions or concerns to your child’s teacher.  This folder also includes a classroom management circle to identify your child’s behavior for the day.  Once you have reviewed the progress report for the day, please insert your initials under the behavior circle.

    þ  Homework:  Read 20 minutes a day, weekly reading passage and weekly spelling tests.

    þ  Volunteers:  Parents are always welcome in the classroom. 

    þ  Birthdays:  During the school year, we will celebrate each student’s birthday in our class.  Birthdays are an important celebration in our student’s life.  If the student’s birthday falls on a weekend or holiday, we will celebrate their birthday on the Friday before.  Summer birthdays will be celebrated the last week of school. 

    The last Friday of the month will be reserved for a “birthday treat” celebration day.  On this day, all birthday students for the month may bring in treats (preferably something healthy or low sugar) and napkins to share with our class to celebrate their birthday.  Our birthday celebrations are typically from 3:15 – 3:30 p.m. on the last Friday of the month.  Families are welcome to participate in our celebration.

    þ  Problems/concerns:  If you or your child has a problem or concern, please call the teacher first.  Together we can solve the problem.  Often times, the teacher may not even be aware of the problem.  Good communication is essential for a successful year.

    I am so excited to be working with you this year!  Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns!

    Mrs. Slocum J

    Phone:  855-4090

    Email:  slocum.melissa@meridianschools.org

    Wednesday, February 1, 2012

    Groundhog Day Predictions!!

    Groundhog Day!

    The legend of the groundhog has been traced back many years to the folk stories of England and Germany.  It was believed that hibernating animals would walk on this day, check the weather and then decide whether to go back to sleep for the rest of the winter or stay up for the coming of spring.

    Check out predictions from Mrs. Slocum’s 1st graders!