Sunday, August 26, 2012

Welcome to First Grade!

As your child’s teacher, I am looking forward to being your educational partner for this year.  Together we will create a positive learning experience for your child.  As partners in your child’s education, we will give your child a successful beginning on his/her school journey.  Throughout this year, your child will have the opportunity to learn and grow academically, physically, emotionally and socially.  This will be an exciting year for us all!

To guarantee your child a positive experience (as well as yours and mine), here is some valuable information regarding our program:

þ  Lunch:  Your student will need to bring a sack lunch from home or participate in the hot lunch program.  You may send lunch or milk money with your student.  They will be given time in the morning to submit their payment to the cafeteria.

þ  Supplies:  A supply list is available in the office.  You may bring your supplies at the scheduled Meet and Greet time or on the 1st day of school.

þ  Clothing:  1st grade is a place for washable clothes.  We do many hands-on activities and cannot guarantee that your child’s clothes will not get soiled in the classroom or out at recess.  On PE day, be sure that your child wears closed-toed shoes, preferably tennis shoes.  They should also wear pants or shorts.  Please note:  Flip flops will not be allowed at school. 

þ  Illness:   If your child is ill, please keep him/her home to avoid exposing the other children.  It is important to call the office as soon as possible to let them know your child is absent.  If a child is too sick to go outside to recess, they are too sick to be around others at school.

þ  Folders:  I will send home a daily parent/teacher communication folder with your child every day.  This folder will include a daily progress report, all parent/teacher communication, as well as your child’s homework assignment and any work completed for the day.  There is also a place in the folder for you to write questions or concerns to your child’s teacher.  This folder also includes a classroom management circle to identify your child’s behavior for the day.  Once you have reviewed the progress report for the day, please insert your initials under the behavior circle.

þ  Homework:  Read 20 minutes a day, weekly reading passage and weekly spelling tests.

þ  Volunteers:  Parents are always welcome in the classroom. 

þ  Birthdays:  During the school year, we will celebrate each student’s birthday in our class.  Birthdays are an important celebration in our student’s life.  If the student’s birthday falls on a weekend or holiday, we will celebrate their birthday on the Friday before.  Summer birthdays will be celebrated the last week of school. 

The last Friday of the month will be reserved for a “birthday treat” celebration day.  On this day, all birthday students for the month may bring in treats (preferably something healthy or low sugar) and napkins to share with our class to celebrate their birthday.  Our birthday celebrations are typically from 3:15 – 3:30 p.m. on the last Friday of the month.  Families are welcome to participate in our celebration.

þ  Problems/concerns:  If you or your child has a problem or concern, please call the teacher first.  Together we can solve the problem.  Often times, the teacher may not even be aware of the problem.  Good communication is essential for a successful year.

I am so excited to be working with you this year!  Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Slocum J

Phone:  855-4090


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